BioShock 2 multipayer karakterek
2009.10.30. 01:05, saxicola
A The Cult of Rapture oldalon egy sorozat keretben bemutattk a BioShock 2 multiplayer rszben vlaszthat karaktereket, gy hozva kzelebb azokat a jtkosokhoz. A folytatsra kattintva pr sorban ismertetem a karakterek lett, a kpeket pedig keresstek a BioShock 2 men Galria menpontjban!
Jacob Norris egy nrzetes fick. Egy tehetsges s innovatv fmmunks. Nagyszer kpessgei a hegszts tern alapvetek voltak Rapture fizikai alapjainak megteremtsben. A rapture-i munkahelyek veszlyes s folyamatosan roml feltteleire reaglva Jacob a munkareform vehemens s nagyhang tmogatjv vlik, aminek kvetkeztben a trsai hsnek tekintik. A polgrhbor kezdete megtallja Jacobot, aki agresszvebben harcol az gyrt, mint valaha.
Barbara Johnson egy ktelessgtud hziasszony es egy figyelmes anya volt. Rapturbe erkezvn azt remlte, hogy az egyedi s izgalmas let az cean alatti vrosban eloszlatja majd a elgedetlensg rzset, ami a felszinen gytrte t. s kezdetben gy is trtent. De ahogy megkopott az j krnyezet varzsa, s ahogy a hzastrsi ktelessgei jra lektttk teljes figyelmt, ismt szorongatva rezte magt. gy rezte tbbnek kell lennie. Ezrt lpett be a Sinclair's Solutions programba.
Folytats hamarosan!
Itt a tovbbi 3 jellemzs angolul. Ha beszeretnl segteni kldd el a fordtst a kv. cmre:
Danny Wilkins is a naturally gifted athlete whose remarkable abilities have secured a perfect record for Ryan’s Raiders every season he’s been on the team. Danny does not recall ever having lost at anything. Though he does recognize that he has on occasion been on a losing team, he argues that the loss itself has never been his fault. Losses on these occasions were invariably attributable to his teammates, and, furthermore, in every case, Danny was otherwise occupied breaking and setting various records of his own.
Naledi Atkins is a fearless pilot with a love for the mechanical and kinetic. Her ravenous appetite for adventure is the primary factor in deciding which contracts she will accept as a freelance pilot of submersibles. Naledi lives her life as dictated by the demands of the moment, and does not deal in regret. She lives her life always at least one step ahead of boredom.
Buck Raleigh made his money in bourbon. He is a self-made businessman from the American south with an intrepid nature and boundless ambition. He is known as a ruthless and cutthroat negotiator. Buck came to Rapture fed up with the disruption governmental interference consistently caused in his industry topside, and has been an eager and avid competitor in Rapture’s unregulated markets.