2009.12.27. 14:24, saxicola s Bence1001
BIOSHOCK 2: XBOX 360 Eredmnyek
Bought a Slot - Vegyl meg egy Plasmid vagy Tonic rekeszt a Gatherer's Gardenben. 5 Pont
Max Plasmid Slots - Fejleszd a maximlis szmura a Plasmid rekeszeket. 10 Pont
Upgraded a Weapon - Fejlessz egyet egy fegyveren a Power to the People Station-ben. 10 Pont
Fully Upgraded a Weapon - Szerezd meg egy fegyver harmadik fejlesztst. 10 Pont
All Weapon Upgrades - Talld meg az sszes Power to the People fegyver fejlesztst a jtkban. 20 Pont
Prolific Hacker - Hackeld meg mindegyik biztonsgi gp egyikt. 20 Pont
Master Hacker - Hackelj meg 30 biztonsgi gpet a tvolbl a Hack Tool-al. 20 Pont
First Research - Elemezz ki egy Splicer-t a Research Camera segtsgvel. 5 Pont
One Reserach Track - Maxed out one Research Track. 20 Pont
Research Master - Fejezz be minden elemzst minden trgyon, llnyen Rapture-ben. 20 Pont
Grand Daddy - Gyzz le 3 Big Daddy-t a harcban anlkl, hogy meghalnl. 25 Pont
Master Gatherer - Szerezz meg 600 ADAM-et a Little Sister-ekbl. 30 Pont
Fully Upgraded a Plasmid - Fejlessz ki teljesen egy Plasmid-ot 3-as szintre. 10 Pont
All Plasmids - Talld meg vagy vedd meg mind a 11 alap Plasmid fajtt. 20 Pont
Trap Master - lj meg 30 ellenfelet kizrlag Trap(Csapda) hasznlatval. 15 Pont
Master Protector - Vszelj t egy ADAM-szerzst(Gather-t) gy, hogy nem szenvedsz el sebzst s nem srl meg a Little Sister. 15 Pont
Big Spender - Klts el 2000 dollrt a Vending Machine-okban. 15 Pont
Dealt with Every Little Sister - Szmolj le(Harvest/Save) az sszes Little Sister-el. 50 Pont
Big Brass Balls - Fejezd be a jtkot anlkl, hogy Vita-Chamber-t hasznlnl. 25 Pont
Rapture Historian - Tallj meg 100 audio jegyzetet(diary). 40 Pont
Welcome to Rapture - Szerezd meg az els gyzelmed egy nem-szemlyes meccsen (Multiplayer). 10 Pont
Unnatural Selection - Szerezd meg az els gyilkossgod egy nem-szemlyes meccsen (Multiplayer). 10 Pont
Disgusting Frankenstein - Vlj Big Daddy-v egy nem-szemlyes meccsen (Multiplayer). 10 Pont
"Mr. Bubbles-- No!" - Tertsd le a te els Big Daddy-d egy nem-szemlyes meccsen (Multiplayer). 20 Pont
Against All Odds - Finished the game on the hardest difficulty level. 30 Points
Two-Bit Heroics - Completed your first trial in a non-private match. 10 Points
Mother Goose - Saved your first Little Sister in a non-private match. 20 Points
Parasite - Achieved Rank 10. 10 Points
Little Moth - Achieved Rank 20. 20 Points
Skin Job - Achieved Rank 30. 20 Points
Choose the Impossible - Achieved Rank 40. 50 Points
Proving Grounds - Won your first non-private match. 20 Points
Man About Town - Played at least one non-private match on each multiplayer map. 10 Points
17 Secret Achievements
Bought a Slot - Bought one Plasmid or Tonic Slot at a Gatherer's Garden. Bronze
Max Plasmid Slots - Fully upgraded to the maximum number of Plasmid Slots. Bronze
Upgraded a Weapon - Upgraded a weapon at a Power to the People Station. Bronze
Fully Upgraded a Weapon - Installed the third upgrade to a weapon. Bronze
All Weapon Upgrades - Found every Power to the People weapon upgrade in the game. Bronze
Prolific Hacker - Hacked one of each kind of machine. Bronze
Master Hacker - Hacked 30 machines at a distances with the Hack Tool. Bronze
First Research - Researched a Splicer with the Research Camera. Bronze
One Reserach Track - Maxed out one Research Track. Bronze
Research Master - Completed all research on every subject in Rapture. Bronze
Grand Daddy - Defeated 3 Big Daddies without dying during the fight. Silver
Master Gatherer - Gathered 600 ADAM with Little Sisters. Silver
Fully Upgraded a Plasmid - Fully upgraded one Plasmid to the Level 3 version. Bronze
All Plasmids - Found or purchased all 11 basic Plasmid types. Bronze
Trap Master - Killed 30 enemies using only Traps. Bronze
Master Protector - Got through a Gather with no damage and no one getting to the Little Sister. Bronze
Big Spender - Spent 2000 dollars at Vending Machines. Bronze
Dealt with Every Little Sister - Dealt with every Little Sister. Silver
Big Brass Balls - Finished the game without using Vita-Chambers. Silver
Rapture Historian - Found 100 audio diaries. Silver
Welcome to Rapture - Completed your first non-private match. Bronze
Unnatural Selection - Scored your first kill in a non-private match. Bronze
Disgusting Frankenstein - Become a Big Daddy for the first time in a non-private match. Bronze
"Mr. Bubbles-- No!" - Took down your first Big Daddy in a non-private match. Bronze
Against All Odds - Finished the game on the hardest difficulty level. Bronze
Two-Bit Heroics - Completed your first trial in a non-private match. Bronze
Mother Goose - Saved your first Little Sister in a non-private match. Bronze
Parasite - Achieved Rank 10. Bronze
Little Moth - Achieved Rank 20. Bronze
Skin Job - Achieved Rank 30. Bronze
Choose the Impossible - Achieved Rank 40. Gold
Proving Grounds - Won your first non-private match. Silver
Man About Town - Played at least one non-private match on each multiplayer map. Bronze
17 Secret Trophies
Platinum - Unlocked all trophies. Platinum