2010.02.05. 14:29, saxicola
Electro Bolt
Level 1 - Fire lightning from your hand. Shoot water to cause it to become electrified, killing enemies standing in it.
Level 2 - Charge up a lightning attack and release it. Lightning will arc to multiple enemies.
Level 3 - Charge up to fire an extended beam of lightning (think "Ghostbusters"). Also, every non-charged shot will cause lightning to arc between enemies.
Level 1 - Pick up objects and dead enemies and use them as projectiles.
Level 2 - Pick up heavier objects and do more damage with thrown projectiles.
Level 3 - Pick up all moveable objects as well as living creatures (!) like splicers.
Security Command
Level 1 - Throw a ball of energy which will cause security cameras, turrets and bots to attack anything targeted.
Level 2 - Charge up to summon up to two friendly security bots.
Level 3 - Charge up to summon boosted security bots.
Level 1 - Throw a ball of fire, igniting a single targeted enemy. Set oil slicks ablaze, dealing fire damage to anyone standing nearby.
Level 2 - Charge up a fire attack and release it. A fire bomb will be unleashed, igniting multiple enemies at once.
Level 3 - Charge up for a flamethrower attack. Also, every non-charged shot will be an area-effecting fire bomb.
Level 1 - Become an invisible scout who can move throughout the world without threat of attack. You can fire plasmids, but you'll have to return to your physical body (which remains in place) to progress.
Level 2 - While scouting, you're also able to hack security and vending machines.
Winter Blast
Level 1 - Throw a ball of ice, freezing foes for a brief period.
Level 2 - Charge up and attack to freeze a foe in a solid block of ice. They remain frozen for longer and can be used as a telekenisis projectile.
Level 3 - Charge up for a beam of ice attack. Also, single shots cause enemies to become a solid block of ice.
Level 1 - Throw a ball at a splicer to enrage it, causing it to attack anything nearby (including you).
Level 2 - Charge up and hit a targeted splicer to make it an ally for a few minutes. The splicer will follow you around and fight for you.
Level 3 - Charge up and hit a Big Daddy to make him friendly for a few minutes.
Cyclone Trap
Level 1 - Set a proximity trap on the ground. Enemies that walk over it will be thrown high in the air and land hard, causing damage.
Level 2 - Traps can now be charged with attack plasmids like fire, ice and electricity, dealing specific kinds of damage.
Level 3 - Traps can be placed on walls and ceilings.
Insect Swarm
Level 1 - Send a swarm of bugs and home in on an enemy, causing damage.
Level 2 - A single swarm can now attack multiple enemies.
Level 3 - Enemies killed by swarms will become proximity swarm bombs. Enemies that walk over the hive corpse will be attacked by the swarm.
Level 1 - Create a decoy of yourself, distracting enemies.
Level 2 - Decoy will reflect damage back at enemies.
Level 3 - Decoy will reflect damage and heal the player as it takes damage from enemies.
Secret Plasmid
Sorry, there's one plasmid I'm not allowed to talk about until after the game releases. But trust me, it's worth the wait.
Security Tonics
Hardy Machines - Friendly turrets and bots have more health.
Handyman - Repair damaged bots and turrets with a small eve cost. Also gives random names to friendly bots and turrets.
Deadly Machines - Friendly turrets and bots deal more damage.
Machine Buster - Increased damage against turrets and bots.
Short Circuit - Security is disabled for longer when hit with electricity.
Short Circuit 2 - Security is disabled permanently when hit with electricity.
Shorten Alarms - Shorter alarms (natch).
Shorten Alarms 2 - Even shorter alarms.
Security Evasion - Cameras and turrets take longer to see you.
Vending & Hacking Tonics
Vending Expert - Reduced prices in vending machines.
Vending Expert 2 - Further reduced prices in vending machines.
EZ Hack - Hacking success zones become a little larger.
Careful Hacker - Hacking needle moves slower.
Careful Hacker 2 - Hacking needle moves even slower.
Quik Hack - Hacking has fewer stages.
Thrifty Hacker - Hacked vending machines have even lower prices.
Hacker's Delight - Earn some health and eve when you hack something.
Hacker's Delight 2 - Earn more health and eve when you hack something.
Hurried Hacker - Landing in the blue bonus zone ends a hack instantly.
Vitality Tonics
Fountain of Youth - Gain health and eve when standing in puddles of water.
Sports Boost - Move slightly faster.
Booze Hound - Drinking alcohol increases eve instead of decreasing it.
Eve Saver - Plamids use less eve.
Eve Saver 2 - Plasmids use even less eve.
Eve Link - Using a first aid pack also gives you some eve.
Extra Nutrition - Get more health from bandages and snacks.
Medical Expert - Carry 1 more first aid kit.
Cure All - Health stations also refill eve when used.
Eve Expert - Carry one more eve hypo.
Defense Tonics
Armored Shell - Reduces physical damage taken.
Armored Shell 2 - Further reduces physical damage taken.
Natural Camouflage - Become invisible when standing still for a few seconds.
Research Tonics
Keen Observer - Bigger research bonus when using the camera.
Keen Observer 2 - Even bigger research bonus when using the camera.
Damage Research - Increased damage for research bonuses.
Extended Reel - Research sessions with the camera last for longer.
Elemental Tonics
Elemental Storm - Emit a random burst of fire, ice or electricity when hit with a melee attack.
Fire Storm - Emit a burst of fire when hit with melee attack.
Electrical Storm - Emit a burst of electricity when hit by melee.
Elemental Vampire - Level 3 plasmid streams (like flamethrower or electric beam) siphons enemy health to you.
Electric Flesh - Take no electricity damage and deal more electricity damage to enemies.
Walking Inferno - Take less damage from fire, inflict more fire damage on enemies.
Ice Storm - Emit burst of ice when hit with melee attack.
Little Sister Tonics
Proud Parent - Little Sisters gather more Adam per corpse.
Damanding Father - Little Sisters gather Adam from corpses faster.
Melee Tonics
Drill Vampire - Gain health and eve when attacking with the drill.
Drill Power - Drill does more damage.
Drill Power 2 - Drill does even more damage.
Freezing Drill - Freeze enemies for longer, drill is able to freeze enemies.
Drill Specialist - Significantly decreases eve cost of plasmids, but you're limited to only using the drill, camera and hack tool as weapons.
Drill Lurker - Quiets footsteps and increases damage on unaware enemies, especially when using the drill.
Projectile Tonics
Headhunter - Headshots do more damage to enemies.
Loot Tonics
Scrounger - When searching for loot, you can search again to find more in the same container.
Arms Race - More ammo found on bodies and containers.